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Read Bewitched and Bewildered 10 Online Free

My One and Only (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 10)


Championship Page




Chapter One

Chapter Two

Affiliate Iii

Affiliate Four

Chapter Five

Chapter 6

Chapter Seven

Affiliate Eight

Chapter Ix

Chapter 10

Affiliate Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen


Nigh the Author

Other Books on Amazon

My ONE AND Simply


Bugged and Bewildered



Copyright © 2018 Alanea Alder

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Digital ISBN- 978-1-941315-22-4

Print ISBN- 978-1-941315-23-1

Sacred Wood Publishing


~Omnia Vincit Amor- Love Conquers All~

"Considering tomorrow isn't promised." ~Repose Meadowsweet~


Micah's eyes blurred from lack of sleep. His patrols were on Level Five today with Warrick. He fully planned on hitting every vendor dealing in caffeine on Level Half dozen before reporting in.

He stared up at the simulated night sky in his garden. What he wouldn't give for simply one single moment with his mate. If Fate kept her away and kept her safety, he knew that if he were given just one moment he could face a life without her.

Please, he begged. One moment to last a lifetime.

Chapter ONE

Micah walked betwixt Meryn and Warrick as they waved to the skittish people on Level Five. Ryuu followed backside them, an ever-present shadow to his charge.

"They look like they're nearly to piss themselves," Meryn observed when level residents hurried into their homes, slamming their doors, when the trio walked past them down the long corridor back toward the transport tunnel.

Warrick sighed. "I knew it had gotten bad, but non this bad."

Micah nodded. "I've patrolled Level Five before, simply yous know we stay pretty close to the tunnel. It'southward been a long-continuing custom for any citizen with a problem to meet with us at that place, I never really second-guessed information technology." He looked around. "I'm wondering how many of these people were allowed anywhere near the tunnel."

Meryn turned her face up up at him. "Why not patrol the whole level?"

Micah's optics widened. "Meryn, that would be like walking an entire city. I mean we're adept, but nosotros're not that good."

Meryn blinked. "Oh aye, the beehive thing."

Micah chuckled. "The city isn't structured like a beehive."


Micah was near to tease her some more when a small figure stepped out in front end of them. He and Warrick exchanged pained expressions. They were familiar with this particular resident. He was an adorable menace, molded by his father to be a thorn in their sides. None of the warriors would ever hurt the lilliputian guy, but that didn't mean he wasn't a nuisance. When you're trained to take downwardly ferals, a young vampire half your size wasn't much of a threat.

Micah looked between the young man and Warrick, he doubted that even continuing on tiptoe he reached Warrick's sternum.

"You were banned from here. Go away. Shoo." The elf-like young man said making a 'shooing' motion with his hands.

Meryn tilted her head. "Huh? Warrick is the Founding Family head here at present. So similar the ban is totally a moot point."

"It is not muted or repose," the dark-haired youngster countered.

"No. Moot, non mute. It means non valid anymore, not that the audio was cut," she explained.

The young man's eyes filled with confusion. "He did not tell me that."

"Who?" Meryn asked.

"My begetter."

Meryn looked upwardly at him. "His father?"

Micah pointed to the homo in front of them. "Meryn McKenzie, this is Pip Maverick. DeLaFontaine's biological son."

Meryn's eyes widened. "Gavriel said that DeLaFontaine didn't accept any heirs or anyone to succeed him."

Warrick winced. "Technically he does not. Pip was never listed in the DeLaFontaine Book of Life."

Meryn frowned. "Why not?"

Pip blushed fiercely. "Because I was born damaged," he whispered.

"Well that's bullshit. I hateful you don't look damaged." Meryn eyed him closely.

Pip looked at her surprised. "I practise not?"

She shook her caput. "Nope, you look normal to me."

"Begetter says I am slow. That he should have drowned me at birth," Pip admitted shamefully.

"Not to sound mean or anything but your dad is a huge asshole," Meryn said.

Pip'due south optics widened and he looked around aimlessly. "Y'all should not say such things. They volition have you away to face up my father."

Meryn snorted. "I'd like to see them endeavor." She pointed to Warrick then behind her to Ryuu. "Warrick is in charge of this level, anybody answers to him at present. And if anyone tried to take me abroad my squire would gut them."

"Nearly certainly denka," Ryuu confirmed backside them.

"I practise non want you to get hurt. You are dainty and explained things to me." Pip started to rock dorsum and forth while his ii minor fists pounded his temples. "But Begetter told me I had to chase you away no matter what, even if I had to practise bad things."

Meryn looked at them panicked. "Help him," she commanded.

Warrick quickly got downwardly on one knee joint and gently took Pip's fists into his own large hands. "Pip, how exercise you lot know that your father wants you to exist mean?"

Pip sniffed. "He told me during my terminal visit."

Warrick looked at Micah then back to Pip. "You lot visit your father?"

Pip nodded. "I am the only one who gets to see him since nosotros are blood related."

"That may explain how the tunnel escort got instructions," Micah murmured.

Warrick nodded his head slightly to admit that he heard him. "Pip, did you requite anyone instructions on behalf of your father?"

Pip nodded slowly, fear in his optics. "Was I bad? Am I in trouble?"

Micah was seeing a new side of Pip. Usually the tiny vampire would just throw things at them or yell things from the side streets. Maybe his previous beliefs hadn't been his ain doing after all.

Warrick shook his head. "No, you are not bad, nor are y'all in trouble." Warrick turned dorsum to look at Micah and Mery

due north. "What do we practise?"

Micah knew what Warrick meant. With DeLaFontaine in the detention cells he wasn't sure anyone was looking out for the young vampire. He wasn't even sure that Pip knew how to fly he was that immature.

Meryn stepped forward. "Pip, if you could practice anything, what would make you happy?"

Pip'southward bluish eyes grew wide. "Anything?"

Warrick smiled. "Yeah, annihilation."

Pip smiled brightly transforming his unabridged face up into something close to angelic. "I practice non want to be mean anymore or exercise bad things. I want someplace safety to sleep and..." he hesitated.

"And," Warrick prodded gently.

"Food. Nutrient whenever I am hungry," Pip admitted softly.

Meryn pushed Warrick'due south hands out of the fashion and wrapped an arm around Pip. "He's mine for as long as he wants me."

Warrick stood. "Now, Meryn."

She turned to face them optics flashing. "No. I'grand not saying it's yous'southward error, but this must have been going on for years." She pinned them both with an aroused glare. "Y'all want to help?" She waved around her. "Fix this shit. Y'all're unit of measurement warriors designated to protect people, start protecting." She turned to Pip. "Come up on picayune buddy. You're staying with me for a while."

"I am?" Pip asked. "What practice I have to do?"

Meryn shrugged. "Keep me company and assist me consume Sebastian's food."

Pip subconsciously licked his lips. "Consume?"

Meryn's optics had a sheen to them. She swallowed hard before grinning at him. "Yup. He'southward going to beloved you. He lives to feed people." She tugged on his hand. "Come on."

Pip hesitated turning back to Warrick. "You are actually the Founding Family caput now?" Meryn waited as Pip asked for description.

Warrick nodded. "I am."

"Practice I have to come across my father anymore?"

"No. Not if you do non want to."

"Do I have to be bad anymore?"


"Am I allowed to use the ship tunnel and go with Meryn?"

"Whatsoever citizen in this city is allowed to apply the transport tunnel," Warrick answered looking confused.

"Practice I take to come back?" Pip asked quietly.

"Nope," Meryn answered. "In fact if yous want to swing by your place and pick upwards your things you won't have to come up back e'er."

Pip shook his head back and forth. "I am non immune to ain things."

Meryn grinned. "You can now."

Pip straightened. "I want to get with Meryn and eat Sebastian food."

Warrick nodded and smiled. "Accept fun."

As they walked away Micah could see that Meryn had a expiry grip on Pip's mitt. Ryuu stepped betwixt him and Warrick. "I am assuming you will practice everything in your power to help Pip's situation?"

Warrick sighed. "Of class. Him and everyone else on Level V."

Ryuu nodded tersely. "Y'all have no thought how much his plight aligns with Meryn's childhood. In her heart she already considers him family and thus I consider him one of my charges." He met their eyes and smiled frostily. "I really do not wish to kill anyone while I am here... but I volition if I have to." He bowed to them and rapidly defenseless upward to Meryn who was explaining Magic Pudding to a mesmerized Pip.

When they cleared the tunnel Warrick let out an explosive breath. "Gods! If I did not recollect that taking the Founding Family unit caput position would go on Avery safer, I would happily tell Gavriel I decline the prestigious promotion."

"Meliorate yous than me," Micah teased.

Warrick gave him a sour look. "Where do I even begin to sort out this clusterfuck of a level?"

Micah idea about it for a moment. "Why don't you do what Kari did? Come across with the Noble Family heads and have them help trickle downwardly information and policy change."

"Have you forgotten that the uncle who disowned me, is 1 of the Noble Family heads who now report to me?" he asked.

Micah blinked then laughed. "I had forgotten that."

Warrick rubbed his chin. "LeBeau is not that bad. Simply I take a feeling that my uncle will try to demolition me at every turn."

Micah shrugged. "Then replace him."

Warrick stared at him in stupor. "Nosotros cannot do that!"

"Why non? It's how you got promoted."

"The circumstances surrounding my promotion were unique, impossible and extreme."

Micah stepped closer and bandage a soundproof bubble. "Await. Meryn is right. There's a ton of shady shit going on around here that's been happening correct under our noses and we missed it because we had to kowtow to tradition. Well you know what? Fuck that. We finally accept a free pass and his proper name is freaking Dark Prince Gavriel Ambrosios. The entire metropolis of Noctem Falls genuflects when someone mentions his name and for expert reason. If your uncle gives you lot shit, tell Gavriel and get permission to have him replaced. Gavriel tin can do no wrong. We have a very small window of opportunity to finally help people. Accept it." Micah exhaled.

Warrick simply stared at him. "You lot are right." He straightened then gave him a wolfish grin. "Let us head to Level I, bank check on Pip, then possibly meet with Gavriel about reorganizing some of the Noble Families."

Micah took down the soundproofing spell. "Afterward you," Micah swept his arm downwardly as he bowed.

"You lot know if I get to exercise what I want, I will need back upwards," Warrick murmured.

"It would be a profound honour and pleasance to aid you lot in that endeavor. In fact, I bet Declan and his blood brother Male monarch would too dearest to help, considering contempo events."

Warrick laughed loudly. "And Declan says nosotros never practise anything nice for him."

Micah grinned. "Ungrateful bounder."

Laughing Warrick slung an arm around his shoulder as they walked toward the transport tunnel.

As far as patrols went, today was shaping up to exist a groovy day.


"Are yous sure about this?" Radclyffe asked for the tenth time that 60 minutes.

Serenity Meadowsweet blew out an exasperated jiff. "For the umpteenth fourth dimension, no, I am not sure, just I'k going anyway."

"You mean we're all going." Radclyffe Juniper pointed his finger back and forth between himself and his mate Laelia.

"Y'all don't have to come up, in fact, it might be a better idea for the two of you to stay behind and manage the temple," Serenity suggested, pausing in her packing efforts.

"Don't be silly. You demand us," her closest friend rebutted. Laelia Juniper was i of the sweetest women she had ever met. She wanted her friend'due south back up desperately but knew that if they followed her to Noctem Falls, they could all get in serious trouble.

Serenity zipped her purse closed. She hadn't packed much, just a few changes of wearing apparel. They would be providing magical support so there wasn't much to pack as far as supplies went. She turned to face her ii best friends. "You realize that by coming with me to Noctem Falls we are going against the Witch Elders' dictate concerning Storm Keep'southward participation in this crisis?" They both nodded. "And by coming with me all three of us could exist prosecuted when we render?" Once again, they nodded.

Laelia swung her bag onto her shoulder and her mate did the aforementioned. "Not only are we not letting you exercise this alone, but we also happen to agree with y'all that it is our duty to provide help." She waved her hand effectually indicating to the room. "You're the Head of the H2o Temple in Tempest Keep. We're the hub for healing magic in the paranormal world. If we don't go, then who volition?"

Radclyffe adapted his bag. "Besides, if we weren't meant to help then there wouldn't be a Healer'south Clause built into the quarantine protocols for the fae portals."

Serenity had been shocked when the queen of the fae reached out to her straight to inquire if she was willing to enact the clause and become to Noctem Falls to aid in fighting the unknown sickness. The fae were unable to pass through to the vampire metropolis, but the queen explained that if a portal was opened from within the Water Temple, healers could pass through to provide assistance.

Serenity had been honest with the queen when she said she wasn't certain what she should practice, wanting to get her Elders' permission first. As a temple head she reported directly to the Witch Elder Quango that ran the city.

She had a feeling that had the city's quango consisting of the four major races been included in the decision making, she would have been allowed to go.

Queen Aleksandra said that the conclusion was up to her and that she wouldn't propose anyone in Noctem Falls well-nigh the possibility of her coming until she had fabricated upward her heed.

Tranquillity knew she wanted to help and thought that going before the quango would be a formality. She had been shocked by their unanimous decision to let Noctem Falls fend for themselves.

When she returned to the temple she knew she had to human action chop-chop. She immediately called her brother and had him leave Eiré Danu through a portal to come up to Tempest Keep. He would be the one to open the portal to Noctem Falls for them. She wanted to keep the queen out of this traitorous venture as much as possible. No one would 2d gauge her older brother Zachari coming to visit her, they were twins afterward all and visited each other often.

Serenity picked up her bag. "I'grand leaving Troy in charge while we're gone."

Radclyffe nodded. "Swell choice. He is as devoted to you as temple head as he is to rules and regulations. He can easily handle the council."

"Knock, knock. Seri, where are you?" a deep male voice asked. Moments later her brother was ducking his head to walk into her chambers. When he saw her, his smiling widened. "There's my favorite baby sister!" He crossed the room and pulled her into a comport hug that had her spine neat.

Despite beingness twins they looked goose egg akin. He took after their fae begetter. Alpine, golden and stunning. The two differences between him and full blooded fae males were the streaks of night brown pilus, visible even when pulled back in a ponytail as he usually wore information technology, and the dark brown eyes he inherited from their mother. Dark eyes among the fae were highly unusual.

She took afterward their witch mother with dark hair and magical gifts. However, unlike her brother she had their father's lavender eyes. Her mother always said that the ii of them were the perfect alloy of witch and fae.

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